The presidential primary season is about to start in earnest. This time of year has made me seriously consider who I will cast my vote for come the Florida primary. On the democratic side I see nothing but an increase in socialism and government control over our daily lives, especially the economic aspects of our lives. However, I am a registered republican which means that I can only vote for one of the remaining 7 candidates with an "R" after their names. Unfortunately, most of the republican candidates seem to be merely a continuation of the current Bush administration (which I have become very disappointed in) and all have some degree of RINO status (republican in name only).
Currently, the only candidate which I can see voting for is Ron Paul. I like his fiscal policy, his anti-gun control stance and his want to pull us out of the UN and protect American sovereignty. Unfortunately, there is a lot of controversy surrounding Ron Paul, not to mention he consistently draws single digits in the polls. So, it looks as if I will end up voting for Dr. Paul in the primary and the republican candidate in the general election.

I'm leaning towards Guliani only because I think he is the only one who could beat the Hildabeast. But at what cost? Instead of going to hell right away, delay it a couple years?
But I do like what Ron Paul stands for and I do not like most of the other candidates. I want someone with some balls, I thought Fred Thompson would be great, but he needs to wake up. If I was in Iowa or NH or some state where the primary mattered nationally, I probably would vote for Ron Paul right now.
Great Blog guys!!!! Happy to see it up!
However, one the many things that trouble me about Ron Paul is his seeming lack of comprehending Iran as a threat. I heard him state on a Sunday talk show that the US is over-emphasizing the threat from a country "that doesn't even have a navy or an air force, or ballistic missle capabilities." I was shocked at this massive failure of common knowledge. Iran has all of these (ask the UK sailors).
And despite the ambiguousness of whether they are close to possessing nuclear weapons, as we have learned from most Middle East leaders, these folks usually mean what they say. If the leader of Iran says that he would like to see Israel erased from the map, I don't think this should be dismissed.
Ron Paul seems to me the most likely candidate to leave Iran to its own devices. I believe this would be a huge mistake.
Dear Unga-bunga,
You make a very compelling point and I certainly have not dismissed the threat of Iran in my political decisions. The Israelis, one way or another, will have to do the world's dirty work again (e.g. Iraq's Osarak reactor in 1981). The Israelis already have a number of US made bunker busters (~500) and some modified F-16s (the F-16i, guess what the "i" stands for?) which are capable of getting to most parts of Iran and back without refueling. I'm just not convinced that any of the presidential candidates have the will to do what may need to be done with Iran. That all being said, I would love to see Bush, with or without Israeli help, take out Iran's nuke capabilities (and punish Iran for killing our soldiers in Iraq) right before he leaves office.
I can agree with most of this. The only thing that bothers me about Ron Paul is his proposed withdrawal of troops around the world and especially from Iraq be fore the job is done.
The proposed withdrawal of troops is certainly a concern. Based on your (capt. capsize) and unga-bunga's comments and things that I read daily, I think that I may be waffling on my support for Ron Paul. I am TRYING to keep an open mind despite my aversion to politics as usual.
That all being said, my vote for Ron Paul in the primary is not a done deal (I'd actually be surprised if he won a single primary).
Great comments! Any thoughts on who you all might vote for in the primary?
I might add, Ron Paul is looked upon as a character from the twilight zone by many political analysts. He is in my opinion a bit too radical. Not that it is a bad thing but I don't believe he is electable. I regret contributing to his campaign in the beginning. That was before I discovered he was for pulling our troops home. Oh well, here we are again with not much to choose from.
All of the comments on Paul are well taken. Still, he remains my only 'in no case would I vote for him' candidate.
That being said... I am still in a TREMENDOUS dilemma on who in the GOP pool sits closest to my Ronald Reagan values. No one has dazzled me. (I was awaiting a sudden emergence of Newt, but this never happened.)
-Unga bunga
The only candidate that makes me feel warm and fuzzy is Duncan Hunter. We'll have to see if he gets some recognition from the media in New Hamshire. Look him up and see what he stands for, he's my only choice.
BTW, I wish this blog would remember my nickname.
Let me add this link, it was just sent to me.
capt. capsize,
I will see if I can get our blog to 'remember' your nickname. I've looked around in the preferences but have yet to find anything.
Dr. K.
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