Over the last few days I have been reading up on the upcoming DC vs. Heller case. In this case, the SCOTUS will decide whether a Washington, D.C. ban on handgun ownership violates the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
One pro-gun group, of which I am a member (Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership), sent an email to their members with some very relevant information for us gun owners. To summarize their analysis, using text from their email:
"1) The Second Amendment protects your unalienable right to
self-defense and freedom from violent harm;
2) What part of "shall not be infringed" do the victim disarmers fail
to understand?
3) "Well regulated" means well-trained and disciplined, not limited
or controlled by government;
4) Your First Amendment rights, and all others, are protected by the
5) Government can only earn legitimate authority by upholding rights
and ensuring justice;
6) Before any government becomes a full-blown tyranny, it must first
disarm the people."
At the bottom of the email is the following message with a link to a much more in-depth analysis:
"Save your rights. Please send the article we've linked to -
http://www.jpfo.org/filegen-n-z/six-about-2nd.htm -
to every gun-owner in the world."
The upcoming DC vs. Heller case is going to be BIG for gun owners. Its worth watching.

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