According to many the greatest threat to humanity is global warming. Its such a threat that the incredibly efficient and fair-minded UN has even taken up the issue! Personally, I would have figured that a more pressing issue might be something like terrorism and the subjugation of women in many Muslim countries.
At last check it was 31.5 degrees, wait, make that 31.2 degrees, in my backyard. This global warming has gotten so bad that I'm now going to have to go outside and cover my citrus trees in order to protect them from a global-warming-induced frost. Cold and possible flurries on tap Thursday

The following is a letter to the editor that I wrote and was published in our Rochester, New York newspaper (Democrat and Chronicle) on February 5th 2007:
Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi and other proponents of the theory that global warming is man-made use the term “consensus” as a primary argument for their hypothesis. Inconveniently for them, truth is discovered from credible scientific finding, not consensus. Furthermore, as a former atmospheric physicist, I can vouch that there is nowhere near a consensus for this hypothesis among the community of credible scientists who study our planet.
Repeated scientific verification supports the theories of relativity, the double-helix structure of DNA and even the theory of natural climate change, providing indisputable proof that these theories are in fact the truth. Nowhere in thousands of climate studies is there an instance of incontrovertible evidence that global warming is driven by the activities of humans. If there was even one, it would be widely cited and referenced. We would know the scientist’s name as we do Hubble, Einstein and Crick.
A mere 10,000 years ago, the Rochester area was encased beneath thousands of feet of glacial ice. Global warming is a truth. The hypothesis that it is driven by human activity is false.
The writer has a master’s degree in atmospheric physics and a doctorate in biophysics.
****** And now another Global Warming update from the good folks in Rochester NY.******
It seems that when all 22 climate data models from the United Nation's IPCC report are used to forecast the climate from the last 25 yrs, they're predictions failed to satisfactorily coincide with the actual data.
In other words, do the UN climate models actually compare with reality? The answer is NO.
Now is former Vice President Algore actually living in reality? The answer is NO.
Will former Vice President Algore actually shove his peace (Dynamite) prize up his ass? The answer, unfortunately, is NO.
A lie is just a lie, but willing obfuscation, and grand-scale coercion is Tyranny.
I wish I could add an intelligent comment but all I can say is "preach it brother".
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