According to British Nobel literature laureate Doris Lessing, we would assassinate Barack Obama if he became president of the United States.
Obama "would certainly not last long, a black man in the position of president. They would murder him."
I resent the implication that all Americans are racists - "THEY" would murder him?!?! Of course there are racists in America. There are racists in every country. Just look at the huge rise in Jew-hatred in Europe. Implying that all Americans are racists is ridiculous and offensive just as if I were to say all Europeans were Jew-haters and bigots.
Hey Ms. Lessing, you are a liberal moonbat and asshat of the highest class. Ms. Lessing, don't go around showing off your Nobel Prize. They also gave one of those to that worthless piece of shit Yassir Arafat.
Personally, I'm not a fan of Obama because of the same reasons that I am not a fan of Hillary Clinton. Their platforms are socialistic and go against my personal beliefs. But then again, according to Lessing, my personal beliefs are probably bigoted and anti-woman. After all, I am an American.

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