Norman Finkelstein has decided to make nice to the terrorist group Hezbollah. Hezbollah continually goes out of their way to purposely target innocent Jewish civilians and the leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, even made this endearing, heart-warming statement: If they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide. Maybe I should get on a plane and go to Israel right now to make it easier for you!
Fine, Norm has some issues with Israel and the US and he wants to praise the Arab street for their resistance of what Norm considers American and Israeli world domination. However, during the interview Norm made the following awesome statement while he was in the middle of scolding the great and little satans for their war-mongering: "Even Hitler didn’t want war. He would much prefer to have accomplished his aims peacefully, if he could."
How Hitler would have accomplished his goals of world domination and the extermination of a race of people without war is, to me, a complete mystery. Although, I suspect that if the Europeans rolled over and embraced German rule and the Jews (and gypsies and homosexuals and the rest of the 13 million who perished at the hands of Hitler) went right into Hitler's gas chambers and in front of SS firing squads, there could have been total peace.

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