The Supreme Court of the United States is scheduled to begin hearing the District of Columbia v. Heller case on Tuesday, March 18, 2008. This case could be pivotal in the continuing battle over the second amendment which has pitted freedom loving gun owners (the good guys) against anti-gun commie pinkos (the bad guys).
Here is a current NRA link which list the good guys and bad guys with .pdf's of their respective amicus briefs regarding the case. From the NRA page here is an extensive list of the good guys who are supporting the individual right to own firearms:
- National Rifle Association
- Academics
- Academics for the Second Amendment
- Alaska Outdoor Council
- American Center for Law and Justice
- American Civil Rights Union
- American Legislative Exchange Council
- Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
- Buckeye Firearms Foundation, et al.
- Cato Institute and Professor Joyce Lee Malcolm
- Center for Individual Freedom
- Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms
- Congress of Racial Equality
- Criminologists
- Disabled Veterans for Self-Defense
- Eagle Forum Education and Legal Defense Fund
- Former Justice Department officials
- Foundation for Free Expression
- Foundation for Moral Law
- Goldwater Institute
- Grass Roots of South Carolina
- Gun Owners of America
- Heartland Institute
- Institute for Justice
- International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association
- International Scholars
- Jeanette Moll
- Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
- Joseph B. Scarnati, III, President Pro Tempore of the Pennsylvania Senate
- Libertarian National Committee
- Liberty Legal Institute
- Major General John D. Altenburg, et al.
- Maricopa County (Ariz.) Attorney's office
- Members of Congress and Vice-President Cheney
- Mountain States Legal Foundation
- National Shooting Sports Foundation
- Paragon Foundation
- Pink Pistols
- Retired military officers
- Rutherford Institute
- Second Amendment Foundation
- Southeastern Legal Foundation
- State Firearms Associations
- Texas and other states
- Women state legislators and academics

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