29 April 2008

Father imprisons and rapes daughter and may only get 15 years in prison

I'm sure that by now, most people know about Josef Fritzl. He imprisoned his daughter, had sex with her repeatedly and fathered 7 of his own daughter's children over the course of 24 years.

DNA Confirms Austrian Fathered Children With His Daughter; No Other Secret Dungeons Found

"Officials had said Fritzl faces up to 15 years in prison if charged, tried and convicted on rape charges, the most grave of his alleged offenses under Austrian law. But prosecutors in Lower Austria said Tuesday they were looking into the possibility of charging Fritzl with "murder through failure to act" in connection with the infant's death. Murder in Austria is punishable by up to 20 years in prison."

So Josef imprisons and holds his daughter captive for 24 years, repeatedly has sex with her and he may only get a maximum of 20 years in prison?!? And a 20 year jail term is only possible if the authorities find a way to charge him with murder AND a judge or jury give him the maximum prison term. Unbelievable. Who came up with such lenient sentences for rape, imprisonment and murder? I bet it was a bunch of bleeding heart European liberals. If he is implicated in the murder of the child that he fathered with his own daughter...he deserves "the chair!"

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