From IDF probe confirms: Gaza bystanders killed by blast from terrorist weapons:
"A blast in northern Gaza that killed a Palestinian mother and her four children on Monday was not caused by the Israeli Air Force or by Israel Defense Forces ground troops, an investigation into the explosion conducted by the IDF Southern Command concluded on Friday.
The blast occurred Monday morning in the northern Gaza town of Beit Hanun. Palestinians claimed that an IDF tank shell hit the home of the Abu Meatak family, as the mother Miyasar was preparing breakfast for her children, killing her and her four children.
However, the probe -- relying on infrared aerial photography -- found that four Islamic militants were carrying weaponry and explosives on their backs, approaching an IDF position. The IAF fire was on target and only hit the armed terrorists. But the Palestinian attackers' boms caused secondary explosions which destroyed the home and killed the mother and her children.
The IDF probe ruled out the possibility that the family was hit by IDF fire and revealed that the secondary explosion was far greater than the explosion caused by the initial IDF bombing and the munitions it had used.
The IDF said that it was unfortunate that innocent people were killed in the incident, but stressed that the blame lay with Hamas which operated from populated areas, using civilians as human shields."
There are a number of things regarding this story that I would like to highlight. First, there are two militaries on this stupid planet who expend enormous amounts of money and effort, often putting themseleves at unnecessary risk, in order to minimize collateral damage: The United States and Israel. Second, civilian deaths are unfortunate but Hamas and other associated terrorist scum "fight" from heavily populated areas and use human shields - purposely to increase the likelihood of civilian casualties. And I'm not even mentioning their PURPOSEFUL targeting of Israeli civilians in pizza parlors and malls.
One of the funniest things about this video is the terrorists who survived can be seen running for their lives like the real cowards that they are. Its so paradoxical, these scum purposely set up in heavily populated areas using the innocent as human shields and often dispatch young children to commit homicide bombings. If these terrorists are so tough and want to fight the "occupation" then why don't they try to shoot the Zionist aircrafts out of the sky instead of running like scared little girls?
I realize this video was recorded by the IDF so bleeding heart "freedom fighter" apologists and tinfoil hat wearing Jew haters, such as Jew Watch, may argue that the video is a Zionist conspiracy fake. After all, the Jews conspired to cause 9/11, inflated the number killed in the Holocaust or faked it all together and Dr. Joseph Mengele was just misunderstood. I wonder if the Jews in Hollywood helped NASA fake the first US moon landing??

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