God, I hope so. Once we get this whole 2nd amendment thing straightened out and we completely establish the individual right of law-abiding citizens to own firearms, next we should move onto the restoration of property rights and eliminate eminent domain.
One my favorite comics, Drew Carey, has some thoughts on eminent domain: "You know the great thing about America is once you own property - you own it," says Drew Carey in a new Reason.tv video examining eminent domain abuse. "You can do anything you want with that property. You can build a house on it, a business. You can plant flowers, grow daisies. Whatever you want to do with it, it's your property. You own it. And the only way somebody can take your property is if they steal it. Am I right? That's why the government invented eminent domain."
Think about it, the government has the power to uproot you from YOUR home and steal YOUR property for "the greater good." As Neal Boortz has said in the past, "The one thing government has which we (you or I or any corporation) DON'T have, is the ability to use deadly force to accomplish its goals."

1 comment:
Where I live, the city wants to expand a shopping mall and succeeded
in buying the neighborhood(15 homes)across the street. One owner held out, owning two of the homes on that huge piece of property, for about 4 years. He finally gave in when the price offered was to go no higher.
Malls come and go. The man made geography owned by corporations in the forms of such things constantly change. The one constant that should never change, unless chosen by the free man who owns it, is the American idea of the homestead.
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