We are in the 11th hour in the decision for our next president and either we have our heads up our asses or we're all like moths following the bright and shiny light in the Obama/Biden moth trap.
Exactly how does the Obama/Biden camp define rich? Exactly how would an Obama administration change our already onerous and ridiculous tax code?
Obama's tax-cut threshold shrinking? Confusion abounds as voters hear $250,000, $200,000, now $150,000
Originally, Obama said everyone making less than $250,000 will not see a tax increase.
Then Obama said that everyone making$200,000
Then there is the famous claim that "95 percent of working Americans" will receive a tax break. However, 95% of Americans would only include those making less than $153,542 per year (which essentially supports Biden's claim).
Nevermind the continual flip-flopping between "tax cut" and "no tax increase."
So exactly where would an Obama administration draw the line? The election has yet to happen and the taxation message out of the Obama/Biden camp has changed more often then there are days remaining until the election. Is this the type of change we want - continually changing positions on the issues? Perhaps next the limit for a tax increase will be near the poverty level so EVERYONE sees a tax increase. Again, I ask, "is this really the 'change' we want??"

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