Yes. Ron Paul gets it right in his arguments about the bailouts. We are on the road to nationalization of American industry and UNlimited government.
The money that is being used to bailout these industries is YOUR money. Our government is out of control.

The Big 3 automakers have already been failing for decades. Their predicament today has less to do with the current economic crisis than with years of poor management coupled with an utter lack of vision. But since GM, Ford and Chrysler (along with the UAW) pay good money for their representatives in Washington (let's be honest - they certainly don't represent the taxpayers), they will eventually get their bailout. Kudos again to the Senate for giving the impression that they won't allow the nationalization of the auto industry. But they'll be back in a few weeks to pass a "new and improved" bailout, replete with earmarks and excuses of how the Big 3 are just too big to fail.
But if a bailout must happen, I'd love to see either Ron Paul or Ralph Nader as the new "car czar".
yeah, this bailout is scary. we are the on the road to becoming the USSA.
I think failing businesses should be left to fail- it will certainly make room for new companies and ideas.
-Andy P
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