30 December 2007

Why gun control is "BAD!"

Lately, I've REALLY tried to understand the reasoning behind those who want to further restrict gun ownership in the US. But I just don't get it. To me, gun control only disarms those who already respect the law. After all, its already a felony to use a gun during a crime and as its also illegal for felons to own or possess weapons. I'm fairly confident that criminals who are preparing to commit crimes don't think to themselves, "damn, I'm going to commit a crime and its against the law for me to use or possess a firearm while committing this crime. I'll have to find some other way." So I ask, what's the sense of more gun control? Many of our gun control laws are already overly strict.

Let's be honest, more gun control (and most existing gun control) only disarms law-abiding citizens and does nothing to get guns out of the hands of criminals. It just makes the rest of us unable to defend ourselves with deadly force when necessary.

An interesting story about gun control: http://www.jdl.org/misc/up_close/alive.shtml


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Anonymous said...

Hey, What are you F$&%$kin Nuts?!?


Anonymous said...

This kind of remark is typical of the intelligence required to maintain a closed mind.

drken said...

Capt. Capsize (if that is your real name! =D), which remark are you referring to? The remark by anonymous or the remarks in my post?


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