I'm not too sure about how much more of this global warming I can take. After listening to Al Gore I got rid of all of my warm clothing so I'd be more comfortable as the mercury began to climb. But for some stupid reason, I keep reading reports of snow and cold across the country and world. Something isn't adding up correctly.
Global warming protest frosted with snow. Click on the link to see a pictures of global warming protesters freezing their rears off while they dodge snowflakes
B-r-r utal: Upper Midwest Locked In Deep Freeze
Russians brace for big chill
And if I'm correct, the great state of Florida is expecting another cold front along with snow in the Florida panhandle: Snow forecast for western Panhandle

I agree it is hard to think about global warming when all you see is how much snow has fallen in New York and elsewhere. I saw the other day that Shreaveport - a very Southern town had snow - would be interesting to know how often that happens.
All of this global warming is confusing. You have reports from huge science foundations telling us the ice caps are melting that the weather is in cauous (?sp) then on the other hand things seem appropritate for the time of year - i.e. temperature averages for certain times of the year.
Anyway - beyond all the hype and uncertanties I do my best to be energy concious. I try to combine trips when I have to go out, I use special light bulbs, I turn things off when not in use, I recycle where I can, I exercise and recreate on non-motorized things. I would love to have a boat but have held back because of it taking fuel and energy and look for kayacks instead.
I think we should all look to doing our our part, feeling good about it, and try to take the reports with a grain of salt.
I absolutely agree with you as you make some very good points. I think that we should all be good stewards of the earth and do things like minimize electricity use, recycle and keep the environment clean, etc. Unfortunately, people, like myself, who are skeptical of the causes of global warming are often labeled as people who don't recycle and leave all of their lights on 24/7, etc, etc. I see no reason, regardless of one's beliefs regarding global warming, why people shouldn't take better care of the planet.
I have no problem taking care of the planet and agree that it just makes sense to (as I yell to my children) "TURN THAT DAMN LIGHT OFF". However, when asspirates like Gore talk about how "we" are killing the planet, yet he flits around like a little fairy on his private jet.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go shovel the 8" of global warming I have on my driveway.
A couple of weeks ago,on the train home from work, I had an argument with a couple of fellows about Global Warming. I really couldnt help it, they were standing 8 inches away from me and commenting about an article in the paper, whether or not they believed in GW.
They were startled after I chimed in with, "it's a religion". The one guy sort of agreed with me, but the other guy didn't. Guy #2, countered with "London is very warm" and if you "go walking there, you'll sweat a lot". I said, well, do you realize that all 22 of UN's climate models that they use to justify their belief in GW all failed when they were expected to predict the weather for the past 30 yrs?...Guy#2:(no answer, just blank stare).. I went on to say that clouds were not factored in to those models. He then just tried to say that I wasn't making sense, but simply saying..."you arent making sense"... I just kept hitting him with facts and he couldn't counter..he just brought up areas that have weird temperatures....like London.
I just don't get it, and he isnt the only one I've run into who has the same lack of critical thinking skills or the background to even begin to compare things logically. We have lost our ability to have boundaries, and to be honest with ourselves that maybe "we don't know what we're talking about" instead we get an inflated opinion about our ability to affect something, even as large as the planet earth. Just because we have TV, Electricity, Running water, Nuclear Weapons, high tech, etc...that must mean we have the power to destroy the earth with our cars and "greenhouse gases" without even understanding how a greenhouse works.
I've had a sneaking suspicion this may be because of all the news reports over the years sinking into our collective minds. We've heard since the invention of the atom bomb, that we're going to destroy the earth, nuclear winter, etc....that notion has been in the public psyche since the 50s.
Where the hell am i going with this? I guess people need to stop paying so much attention to the news, and rethink what they know or think they know. But who has time for that? and I fear that future generations will be even worse.
I don't mind saving energy or being more responsible, but I'm also very uncomfortable with feeling like I'm 'destroying the planet' by turning up my thermostat or stepping on the gas, especially when I know it's BS. As far as Im concerned, the only reason why I would conserve energy is because of money. If I have enough money to spend on energy to heat my 600Sq ft house or 33,000 sqft house, using oil, gas, solar, nuclear or two squirrels on a treadmill...thats my business and I expect that energy to be there. If it's not, I'll figure out another way to get it. I guess I just love my liberty a little too much....and I don't dare want to feel guilty about it.
This whole GW thing, is just another way to manufacture an economy. I wish they could do it without trying to brainwash and control millions of people.
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