My 18 month old son got me up at 0530 this morning so I ended up on the internet and came across the following articles about 2 recent homicide bombings in Iraq. First terrorists used young children to hate and kill infidels. Well, apparently the number of young children must be getting low because now the terrorists are resorting to using the mentally disabled.
I found the original links on Drudge:
Mentally Retarded Women Used in Bombings
Women 'tricked into suicide blasts'
The people who dispatch children and now the mentally disabled to do their dirty work are cowards of the lowest level. Truly sickening.

Ah but Code Pink thinks that these are the people we should be supporting and has sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to support them.
I still can't figure out why it is that they're not on trial for treason.....
Ah, yes, the "morality" of people like code pink. The cycle of violence, disproportionate responses, blah blah blah. Code pink = asshats.
I have no idea why they aren't on trial for treason either.
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