NPR: California Home Schoolers Get the Heave-Ho: "An appellate court in California recently ruled that parents who home school their kids may be breaking the law."
SFGate: Homeschoolers' setback sends shock waves through state: "A California appeals court ruling clamping down on homeschooling by parents without teaching credentials sent shock waves across the state this week, leaving an estimated 166,000 children as possible truants and their parents at risk of prosecution."
This is complete and total overreaching by the government and the courts.
We are supposed to have freedom of choice in this country, however, parents in California soon will loose their freedom to choose to educate their children at home. Its already bad enough that many parents throughout America are denied school choice because of the lack of school vouchers; a serious problem for those whose local government schools are failing.
This must be another case of, "We're the government and we're here to help."

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