On Friday, a friend and coworker sent me a link to a CNN video regarding the second amendment and a court case against David Olofson entitled, "Freedom Under Fire." He sent it merely to raise my blood pressure. Well, it worked, but it also inspired a blog entry.
This story takes place in Wisconsin and involves a law-abiding citizen named David Olofson and his battle against the overaggressive ATF and the subsequent court case. David Olofson is a fellow gun owner who lent a legal AR-15 to a friend. This friend took the gun to a local gun range in Wisconsin and while the friend was shooting the AR-15 jammed. After he cleared the jam the friend continued shooting. Two multi-shot bursts occurred because the gun began to malfunction. Afterwards, here came the government to "protect" us and subsequently ruin Olofson's life.
By Jeff Knox from The Firearms Coalition:
"(January 29, 2008) There are several ways for a person to unintentionally commit a felony, but most of them are looked at by prosecutors, judges, and juries as the accidents they are and dealt with accordingly. Such is not always the case however, especially when firearms are involved; for the past 2 years David Olofson has been learning that the hard way. Olofson is a regular guy who happens to be fond of AR15 style sport-utility rifles. He loaned a rifle to a friend. While the friend was shooting it he moved the safety switch to a point beyond the Fire position. The rifle fired a couple of short bursts and jammed. Someone at or near the club called the police to complain about machinegun fire. The police notified the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) and David Olofson was subsequently charged and convicted of illegally transferring a machinegun."
The above is a summary from a more in-depth article which highlights MANY instances of government, ATF and court "missteps" in this case, investigation and trial.
More links to stuff about this story:
2nd amendment under fire, what's next?
Great Moments in BATFE Gestapo Goonery
Drill instructor convicted after rifle jams: Guardsman guilty of illegally transferring 'machine gun' after firearm malfunctions
I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that said, "Ignore your rights...and they'll go away." Here is a perfect example.
More later...after my BP comes down......

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