An excellent article by one of my favorite political commentators and radio hosts, Tammy Bruce: Great News For Mass Murderers.
"Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels has signed an executive order to ban guns on all property owned by the city.
After the roar of approval from psychotic murderers died down, Nickels explained the new ban was necessary after a shooting at the Folklife Festival wounded two people at the Seattle Center.
You know how that works–make it illegal for law-abiding citizens to carry guns making them even more vulnerable to the beasts who don’t care about laws, also known as “criminals.” I do hate to break it to the mayor, but shooting people is also banned, but criminals do it anyway.
After years of certain cities finding their violent crime rates on the increase after banning firearms, we now have proof that gun bans actually create more violence and subject law-abiding citizen to more risk. — Just ask the people of Washington, D.C., who know all too well how banning guns simply broadcasts a message to violent criminals where the most vulnerable population lives. Just this week, the “gun-free zone” of D.C. (on whose handgun ban we still await the Supreme Court’s decision) has been reduced to implementing road blocks into certain neighborhoods in an attempt to stop, er, gun violence.
After all, it’s just so much easier to invade a home, jack a car, or murder someone when you know your victim won’t be able to protect herself. Despite the history of gun bans putting more people in danger, and to say nothing of the unconstitutionality of that act, politicians still have the gall to exploit instances of bad guys ignoring existing laws (like those against shooting people) to pass laws banning the best self-protection method we have.
Make no mistake–just as climate alarmism has nothing to do with fear over a 2-3 degree increase in temperatures and is simply a manufactured excuse for government to tax and fee us to death–the acts of criminals continue to be used as a manipulative excuse to disarm the law-abiding public while keeping government officials immune from the law, and well protected."