This story is just plain aggravating.
GM Warns on Liquidity; Talks With Chrysler May Be Off: "Despite massive restructuring efforts, General Motors (GM: 4.36, -0.44, -9.16%) warned Friday its liquidity next year will fall 'significantly short' of what’s needed to operate its business and that it needs more help from the government. GM also hinted it’s no longer pursuing merger talks with Detroit neighbor Chrysler................GM, Ford and Chrysler have already received approval for $25 billion in low interest loans from the government."
Here we go again!

Let them bankrupt, restructure and join the modern world in building vehicles that can compete. No more welfare, for Gods sake.....
Capitalism is left to die. The bail out money, that by a large margin violated the peoples wishes, only serves to poison our way of life economically speaking.
This allows for soaring economic changes. This will expand worldwide.
Another article on the NWO:,2933,449264,00.html
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