Fifth-grade teacher Diatha D. Harris says that for president "I can support whomever I want to support as long as I don't brow beat another person for the candidate that they supported."
Yes, you heard correctly. Ms. Harris said, "John, oh no, John McCain. Oh Jesus, John McCain."
I would have loved if the student actually did the math and exclaimed, "sweet my dad is going to live until he's 140!" I hope that Ms. Harris is not a fifth grade math teacher.
They didn't show anything about Obama? Do you mean to say that the video was doctored to purposely exclude where you brow beat Obama supporters, too (I doubt it)? These kids are in fifth grade. They're not old enough to understand politics, discuss reasons for going to war or ponder why people die in wars. Try teaching them some spelling or reading (but not math). Then maybe some day they'll be able to discuss politics and be part of the political process in America.

I doubt that you will leave this comment in place, but I will give it a shot.
I was disappointed to read your characterization of the Diatha Harris incident, because I do not believe it is objective, and I fear the school district's investigation may be similarly unobjective.
I have watched the clip of Ms. Harris' lesson as it was featured in the documentary, and have also carefully read the transcript at the Tundra Tabloids website. I believe you have characterized Ms. Harris' remarks and behavior incorrectly.
At no point in the discussion does Ms. Harris express her views or any political views at all. In fact, the only context in which she mentions herself at all is in the phrase "I want to ask you."
Throughout the excerpt, Ms. Harris asks neutral questions (e.g. "Who are you pulling for?" and "Why are you pulling for Barack?"), and then repeats or paraphrases the students' responses. At least twice in the discussion, she emphasizes that it is ok for students to support McCain and to explain their views.
While I believe Ms. Harris' "Oh, Lord" and "Oh, Jesus" comments may not have been ideally appropriate, she has stated that her dramatic language reflected nothing more than an attempt to engage her students in a lively discussion. Personally, I take her at her word.
Ms. Harris' comment about "another hundred years" was not an expression of political opinion on any candidate -- it was a report of fact. Senator McCain's statement regarding the possibility of our troops remaining in Iraq for 100 years if necessary, is a matter of public record.
Furthermore, it was not Ms. Harris, but another student, who brought up the issue of the war.
The district claims that it has launched an objective investigation, yet even now -- prior to the completion of that investigation -- the superintendent has declared Ms. Harris' actions inappropriate. If they are investigating objectively to determine whether Ms. Harris' remarks were appropriate but are already declaring that they were not, what does that say about the objectivity of the investigation?
Finally, while I certainly understand that Ms. Harris' remarks could be unpopular in a community with such a strong record of military support, I think that chastising Ms. Harris for presenting a real political issue could send our children the message that there is no real value to democracy, pluralism of thought, and free speech.
Why would you doubt that I'd leave your comment in place?
The thing to which I object is Ms. Harris expressing her political views, in any manner, to children who I feel are not old enough to comprehend what is at stake. Yes, she did say it was okay to support McCain. However, she expresses obvious dissatisfaction with McCain when she says "John, oh no, John McCain. Oh Jesus, John McCain" and "your daddy could be in the military for 100 years." That suggests, to me, that her initial statement that it was ok to support McCain was a lie.
I never disputed what John McCain said about troops being in Iraq for 100 years. That is one of the many things that prevented me from voting for him.
I feel that teaching students about democracy, free thought, and free speech could be done in a much more effective manner in a fifth grade class.
Just my opinion. And thanks for leaving a comment.
There are two problems here . . .
First, this is a math class, so unless they are going to do something with the 100 years comment mathematically . . .
Second, this is a public school, so unless this serves some public greater good . . .
It seems to me the school is taking an appropriate action to a YouTube accusation and I'm sure the result will be appropriately private.
What do we really want the reaction to be to this? I'm satisfied . . . for the moment.
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