Schumer's words from the interview: "Do you think that we should allow people to put pornography on the air, absolutely not, particularly on television and radio?"
The very same people who don't want the fairness doctrine, want the FCC to limit pornography on the air.......but you can't say that government hands off in one area to a commercial enterprise but you're allowed to intervene in another, that's not consistent."
No, Chuckie, pornography is not appropriate for commercial TV or radio. But the government has no place regulating the discussion of politics and political views, even if they are not yours. Its one hell of a logic leap to say that commercial talk radio, which is devoid of nudity and sex, is similar to pornography.
Here's why Schumer has a bug up his rear-end. Conservatives have traditionally done well in talk radio. Schumer wants to stiffle political discussion and debate (not pornography) because much of the programming is at direct odds with Schumer's liberal politics. When is Schumer going to call for the application of the fairness doctrine to cable TV news? CNN, CNNHN, MSNBC - all liberal. That unequal distribution of viewpoints on cable TV news apparently isn't "pornographic" to Schumer. Now that's not consistent.
Radio and TV stations play what makes them money. Its called the free market. Leave it alone.
Here's to the death of the fairness doctrine!

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