23 February 2009

The Patriotic Resistance

A website worth checking out:

The Patriotic Resistance

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14 February 2009

Stimulus watch

This site seems worth visiting......

Stimulus Watch

StimulusWatch.org was built to help the new administration keep its pledge to invest stimulus money smartly, and to hold public officials to account for the taxpayer money they spend. We do this by allowing you, citizens around the country with local knowledge about the proposed "shovel-ready" projects in your city, to find, discuss and rate those projects. These projects are not part of the stimulus bill. They are candidates for funding by federal grant programs once the bill passes.

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Financial obligations of the US federal government exceed world GDP

Federal obligations exceed world GDP: Does $65.5 trillion terrify anyone yet?

As the Obama administration pushes through Congress its $800 billion deficit-spending economic stimulus plan, the American public is largely unaware that the true deficit of the federal government already is measured in trillions of dollars, and in fact its $65.5 trillion in total obligations exceeds the gross domestic product of the world.

The total U.S. obligations, including Social Security and Medicare benefits to be paid in the future, effectively have placed the U.S. government in bankruptcy, even before new continuing social welfare obligation embedded in the massive spending plan are taken into account.

The real 2008 federal budget deficit was $5.1 trillion, not the $455 billion previously reported by the Congressional Budget Office, according to the "2008 Financial Report of the United States Government" as released by the U.S. Department of Treasury.


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12 February 2009

Death to the Fairness Doctrine

There's nothing fair about it.

Democrats Consider Reviving 'Fairness Doctrine'

Congress has more important things to worry about. Leave the private sector alone! Let radio stations broadcast what makes them money, damn it!

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07 February 2009

David Olofson update

Our freedoms are under blatant attack.....

The NRA has been reluctant to back Olofson. Gun Owners of America and JPFO are backing Olofson with GOA financially supporting Olofson's legal defense. I may cancel my NRA membership and send more money to GOA and JPFO.

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03 February 2009

The Financial Crisis, Bailout, and Stimulus Coverage

I have a subscription to Reason magazine. For the most part, I agree with their heavily libertarian viewpoints. Reason has a number of op-eds, blogs, videos, etc regarding the current economic crisis, how we can get out of it and how we got here in the first place. Its certainly worth a look.

Reason's Financial Crisis, Bailout, and Stimulus Coverage.

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