28 September 2008

Alcee Hastings is a dumbass

Alcee Hastings: "If Sarah Palin isn't enough of a reason for you to get over whatever your problem is with Barack Obama, then you damn well had better pay attention. Anybody toting guns and stripping moose don't care too much about what they do with Jews and blacks. So, you just think this through."

Ok, I'm thinking it through..............nope, Alcee, you're still stupid. How can Hastings seriously equate being a gun owner and a hunter to being a racist?? Since I'm a gun owner AND a Jew I must hate myself.

Not only is Hastings a dumbass but check out his past. "Hastings, a former federal judge, was impeached and removed from the bench in 1989 for perjury and corruption. Elected to Congress in 1992, he supported Hillary Clinton during the primaries until she conceded the race."

More about Hastings' illustrious past: Rep. Hastings Says Palin “Don’t Care” About Jews, Blacks: "Hastings has the dubious honor of being one of only six federal judges to be removed from office through impeachment for perjury and conspiracy to obtain a bribe. The judge turned politician was embroiled in a 1983 scandal involving the solicitation of a $150,000 bribe in return for favorable treatment for defendants in a racketeering case before him. Hastings repeatedly lied under oath at his criminal trial and forged letters in an effort to get acquitted. In 1988 the Democratic-run House voted overwhelmingly (413-3) to impeach Hastings who had been appointed to the federal bench in the Southern District of Florida by Jimmy Carter. The Democratic-run Senate subsequently removed Hastings from the bench. He has represented south Florida’s 23rd District in the House since 1993."

Hastings was elected to Congress after he was impeached and removed from the federal bench? For Pete's sake, this guy is a felon and people still voted him into Congress. Maybe Congress IS the opposite of progress.

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