I came across the article below on the Drudge Report. Its very interesting regarding the recent school shootings. I wonder what I would think if I were in a classroom when a psychopath came in with a firearm and started shooting into the crowd. I'm pretty sure I would want my .45 close at hand.
Here is a repost of much of the article which I found on Drudge:
Another Massacre At A "Gun Free Zone" College Campus:
"One gun, one person trained how to use it and willing to do so could have stopped most of this.
At one time I was very against arming teachers or allowing qualified students to carry on campus. I’m not anymore. These maniacs go to those schools KNOWING that their’s will be the only gun there - until police arrive. And that can take minutes.
If you know anything about guns, or ever fire on a range, take any semi-automatic pistol with, say, two extra loaded magazines, and see how long it will take you to fire every single round in those magazines. It doesn’t take but a few seconds. Then imagine firing into a crowded room filled with unarmed people.
Like shooting fish in a barrel.
This one, like some others before him, even stopped to reload. One gun. That’s all it would have taken. But that campus, like all the others, is a “gun free zone”.
To everyone except the killer."
Well said......